Human Process Interventions for your Teams to achieve more
Human Process Interventions involve changing how groups and individuals relate in the organization. They are specially designed series of behavioral activities that aim to assist the members of the organization to better themselves and each other.
They may include but not be limited to:
Process Consultation Interventions
They are powerful Organization Development tools and frameworks for carrying out helping relationships that permits the clients to perceive, understand, and act on the process events in order to improve the situation as defined by them Show More
Third Party Interventions
Third Party Interventions focus on conflicts inherent within groups and organizations and arising from various sources, including differences in personality, task orientation, goal interdependence and perception among group members as Show More
Inter group Interventions
The ability to understand and diagnose intergroup relations is indispensable because–groups often must work with and through other groups to accomplish their goals, groups within organization often find themselves in problems Show More
Our Focus Areas
We help your employees bring out their best in them
- Effective Leadership Processes
- Communication & Team Dynamics
- Sales & Service Excellence
- Employee Engagement & Motivation
- Personal Excellence & Life Skills
Effective Leadership Processes
“A snowflake is one of God’s most fragile creations, but look what they can do when they stick together!”
We invite you to a journey of Learning to overcome dysfunctions within a Team, to handle Role Ambiguity, to employ Role Charting and Responsibility Charting, to utilise Authentic Leadership….and more…
Communication & Team Dynamics
“When you need to collaborate you need innovation!”
A group needs only two things to be a tribe: a shared interest and a way to communicate. We work with you to apply concepts of Milton and Meta Model, Ego states, Sensory Rich Language, Perceptual Positions, Transactional Communication to create synergies in your Interpersonal Communication and evelop positive Team Dynamics.
Sales & Service Excellence
“Emotionally satisfied customers contribute far more to the bottom line than rationally satisfied customers do, even though they are equally satisfied.”
We engage Sales Process Modelling, Sales Territory Management, Behavioural Selling to create a culture of Service Excellence in your Sales Team to enable you to retain your Customers.
Employee Engagement & Motivation
“Employee Engagement is about how we create conditions in which employees offer more of their capability and potential.”
We ensure that you cultivate a feeling of pride and loyalty in your employees by learning how to define your Values and Purpose, practice Effective Communication, boost Quality of Life and create an ecosystem which fosters friendship.
Personal Excellence & Life Skills
“One person with a belief is equal to a force of 99 who have only interests.”
We deploy recent researches in human behavior and Positive Psychology to make you aware about contemporary trends in meaningful life and wellness so that you are able to balance your mental and emotional state resulting in excellence and success.
How our experiential learning based training delivery works for you?
Delivers lightning fast results, enhances team productivity, develops competitive advantage
Typical retention Rate from traditional Learning: 5%
Typical Retention rate from Experiential Learning: 80-90%
Experiential Learning Life Cycle
Glimpses from our Journey
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